For the second part of the summer,
my PI wanted me to focus less on the construction of the line confocal
microscope and more on the science that we plan to do with it. The goal of the
line confocal microscope is to be able to stimulate the worms with both light
and heat in order to observe avoidance behavior in the worm. In addition to
being able to observe behavior, the microscope is also designed to observe
neural activity in the worm. In the end we hope to correlate neural activity
with behavior in order to identify neurons associated with avoidance behavior,
neurons associated with the inhibition of other neurons, and ultimately neurons
that might be involved with the central pattern generator.
Since we wanted to get started on
taking data, we built a microscope for studying just the avoidance behavior of
the worms. To do this we setup a 2D stage with a joystick in order to move the
sample with micron order precision. We used a blue laser focused by an
objective lens onto the sample in order to get a small enough spot to hit only
the head of the worm. The laser is controlled by Labview in order to be able to
turn it on and off with millisecond precision. We used a Cannon 60D camera
controlled by Labview for the imaging itself. The setup mostly works, however
we are still struggling to get the beam spot small enough to stimulate only the
One of my other recent jobs in the
lab has been to work with all of the lasers in the lab. Dr. Arisaka wanted to
put one student in charge of all of them who knew where they all were at any
given time and how to operate them in case people ran into problems or had
questions about them. Since he put me in charge of this the first thing I had
to do was measure their power output, since we needed this to be calibrated for
any experiment we do with them. One of the interesting things I learned from
calibrating the lasers is that most lasers have a stable and predictable range
through which the power can be modulated, but as they are modulated to lower
powers they become much less stable. I graphed the power outputs using excel in
order to identify the range over which the lasers are more stable, and can be
modulated in a predictable manner.
Once I had made excel graphs, Dr.
Arisaka wanted me to move on to using Matlab to be able to profile the beam. To
do this we needed an image of the beam, and he wanted me to write a Matlab
program that uses the image of a beam spot to profile its intensity. I have not
finished the program yet because it does not yet incorporate the measured power
of the beam nor the field of view of the camera in order to rescale the graphs
in terms of intensity and distance. Currently the graph ranges from 0 to 441.6,
and the domain is in pixels. The way that the program works is it takes in an
image, and stores it as an array. It then goes through each pixel and finds the
most intense pixel and records that intensity. It then scans each row and
column to find the row and the column with the greatest number of pixels with
that intensity. Once it finds the correct row and column, it uses those cross-sections
of the image and plots a graph of intensity vs pixel. It also displays the
image that it took in, and draws two lines on it, to show which row and column
it used to make the graphs.
The last major interesting thing
that I did, was I had to present a journal for the lab about spinning disc
confocal microscopy. I had to then compare it to line confocal microscopy
because that is what we actually use in our lab. It was fun, I learned a lot
from giving the presentation too (I think I learned about as much by giving it,
as I did from preparing for it). It was a fun but challenging experience.
The next steps I need to take are
going to be optimizing the microscope for the phototaxis behavior experiment so
that the laser stimulates only the head. This will make it so that we have
better control over the experiment so we know exactly the intensity, which
caused the worm to respond. This is critical to being able to reproduce
published data. I then need to finish the Matlab program, so that anytime we
use a laser during experiments we only need to measure the power output of the
laser and then image a beam spot on the experimental setup and the Matlab
program will be able to do all of the heavy lifting to tell us exactly what the
intensity profile of the beam is.
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