Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Alyson Ramirez Blog 2

Hey guys!

So it’s been a while since I last checked in (sorry, I know you’re simply dying to hear about my latest experiences) and so many fun things have gone on in the past few weeks that it’ll be hard to keep things brief. I’ll do my best!

4th of July: simply amazing. Photos below! We watched the best fireworks show I’ve ever seen in my life (timed perfectly to music) from behind MIT; the police presence was massive due to events earlier this year, and the show got pretty emotional. Boston Strong.
Research: things are going great! I’ve finished my first experiment, which was… completely inconclusive. But at least I know how to do in situs now, and I’ve been pretty self-directed the past two weeks while my mentor is in Spain- I know, I’m jealous of her too. I’m hoping to get more results from a second experiment next week, the fish have been reluctant to give me embryos (how selfish of them, right?) but I finally got things started this week. And I have to have a poster done in another two weeks. Where has this summer gone??

NYC: I travelled to the concrete jungle where dreams are made of last weekend. Wow. It was really hot and quite a change from the quiet, tree-lined streets of Cambridge. I ate some of the best food I’ve had all summer and ran around to all the places tourists flock to: Wall Street, the new World Trade Center, Staten Island, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Times Square, the Highline. And we did everything in one day! Needless to say my friend I was staying with was not amused with me dragging him around the city all day, but a few scoops of gelato made up for things. I also got to peek at a few of the schools I will be applying to in the fall for PhD programs, which has just made me more excited to continue my education.

Flour: I discovered this bakery down the street from where I’m living and any ideas of getting in shape/eating healthy this summer have officially been demolished. Just look at the picture of the sticky bun below and you’ll understand. I also woke up an hour early the other day to make sure I could get there for breakfast and still get to lab on time. Dedication.

Research seminars: Woah, people who work in this area are phenomenal scientists. We have weekly seminars where we get to meet the PI’s that everyone in my program is working with, and talk a little about their background. I’m completely awed by how everyone we have spoken with so far is so humble about their experiences, even though many of them have founded the institutions that they work in. Their dedication to translational research and finding solutions to the diseases that are so devastating to humans is really inspirational. It’s really made me consider why being involved in scientific research is important to me, and has made me more focused on my goals in the future.

There’s probably so much more that I could tell you about, but I won’t drag you through an unnecessarily long blog post. Until next time!

1 comment:

DDS said...

The fourth of July celebration in Boston I think is absolutely the best!! I am so glad you did not take me that bakery, I have so little will power when it comes to sweets. It is great that you are enjoying the fullness of research to max!