I have been really enjoying my time here in New York, so much so that it has been hard to keep up with the blog. The beginning of my fun excursions was with my being invited to a birdsong conference by one of the most famous birdsong labs, Fernando Nottebohm. I met a grad student in his lab at a 4th of July party and he invited me to go and said he would pay for everything. It was a really great experience because I got to meet all the big names in birdsong on the east coast. Fernando was a really nice invited me back anytime and they actually offered me the chance to work on a project I had thought up about the research they were doing. I really enjoyed being able to dive back into birdsong for a couple days and learning about the amazing research being done on the other coast. The best part was being able to see how the research at my lab in UCLA fits into the grand scheme of birdsong. I realized we are actually pretty different from a lot of labs in that we look at things from a vocal learning perspective as opposed to an ornithologist view point. In addition to going to the amazing conference I met some people in my program which invited me to a great free concert put on by the village voice. Overall the past few weeks have been really great but I have the trouble now of trying to finish my applications to schools.
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