Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Oye Bosompra Post 2

Hi all,

This summer is flying by so fast! It’s been great spending time in the Coller lab, but I’m sad because this 10 week program is almost over. We’ve been making progress in our lab, and the grad student I’ve been working with wants to publish at the end of this year! We’re studying alternative polyadenylation in the RECK gene and have noted that while the canonical, long isoform decreases cancer cell migration and invasion, a second shorter isoform is highly produced in cancer cell lines and increases migration and invasion. We’ve been trying to analyze this mechanism and the extent of the interactions between the two isoforms – we hypothesize that the short isoform directly binds to and suppresses long RECK’s ability to suppress cancer migration and invasion, but still have more to look into.

I’ve also gotten the chance to spend time with the other students from Santa Monica College doing research here since I’m dorming on the same floor as them in Gardenia. They’re a very energetic bunch and take full advantage of their time at UCLA – they work out at Wooden at 5 a.m., swim at Sunset Rec every night, try different Westwood restaurants, and do all sorts of things I take for granted since I have access to these things year round. I’ve gone off campus to eat with them a few times and am going to Six Flags with them on Sunday, so we’ll see how it goes!





The smoke in LA last Saturday from the Sand Fire    Hanging out with some of the SMC students!

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