Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Roberto Naranjo, Post 2

Hey everyone,
Working in the Langer lab is going well. I am still working on the same projects I mentioned in the last blog post. We are making good progress on the SALTS projects. There are a few people working on this project, but we all work on different vitamins. I am working on the biotin particles. After the synthesis of these particles, we test their stability while cooking and the release of biotin in acidic conditions. From these tests, we can calculate how much is still in the particles after cooking and how much is released. We are using a biotin assay for those calculations. I’ll go into more detail at my chalk talk. For the hydrogel project, we are still in the synthesis stage, and we are currently exploring different functionalized versions of polyethylene glycol and chitosan. We are first focusing on the thermoresponsive properties of the hydrogel. We are using a rheometer to test these properties, and I’ll explain how it works in my chalk talk.
Besides lab stuff, I have been enjoying Boston and everything that’s here. My lab had a beach party at my PI’s beach house. That was really nice and a good way to bond within the lab. I went to the science museum here and that was really cool because of the Pixar exhibit they had. They were explaining the science and computer programming behind their movies. Also, I went to go visit a friend who is in charge of an outreach program for high school students at Dartmouth College and I got to stay a weekend with them. I helped answer any questions about transferring from a community college and majoring in science or engineering. It was really fun and rewarding to stay with them. I hope some of them now want to pursue a major in science or engineering. I can’t wait to spend my last few weeks here and then go back home. I miss everyone.

At the Pixar exhibit at the Museum of Science

Labmates + friends at my PI’s beach house

1 comment:

Benni Vargas said...

Your PI has a LOT of friends and labmates. I am looking forward to learning more details about your project at your chalk talk!