Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Esme Montes Summer 2016 Blog 1

Hi! My name is Esme Montes and I am an incoming senior at UCLA in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology. This summer I was accepted into the CARE SEM SPUR summer program to conduct research in a lab. So far, I have learned so much in these short two weeks that I have been attending the program seminars. We have had a couple of guest speakers come and present to us some information about their experiences in graduate school and what their journeys have been like. Hearing them speak has just encouraged me so much more to pursue my PhD career. The program has also brought in people that are in the acceptance committee at UCLA’s programs and shared what they are looking for in incoming students and how much work it really takes. This also made me realize what it took to become a good candidate and has made me hungry to succeed and pushed me to focus on my end goals. I also have met so many amazing and intelligent people from around the world and have learned so much from them.  I cannot wait to see what the remaining weeks hold for me and how much more I will learn.


A picture of the Inverted Fountain at UCLA. I get to see this beautiful fountain everyday!


This past weekend I decided to explore LA for a bit and ended up at the Getty.

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