Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Walter Hardesty Blog 1

Hey everybody!
My name is Walter Hardesty and I am beginning my fourth-year as an MIMG major. I’m one of the new MARCers, and am excited for a productive summer of research in Dr. Kent Hill’s Lab who works with Trypanosoma brucei. For those of you who are curious, T. brucei is a unicellular, eukaryotic parasite that causes a devastating disease in humans called African Sleeping Sickness. My work has been centered on a protein called carbonic anhydrase and its role in social motility. I am investigating its role by performing social motility assays on carbonic anhydrase knockdown lines at different levels of carbon dioxide, and seeing what happens!
Here’s what the assay looks like for a plate inoculated with cells and incubated at atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide:

How cool is that! Anyway, that’s just a taste of the work I will be doing this summer in the Hill Lab. Besides lab work, I’m also having a great time working with the other graduate students and post docs. My mentor, Edwin Saada, is great. He always pays close attention to my work in the lab in an effort to guide me on my path. I can’t wait until he teaches me a new technique in the lab called immunofluorescence!
Dr. Kent Hill is also terrific! He’s in his office in the lab nearly 3-4 times a week, which is a whopping amount of time (compared to what I’ve heard about other P.I.’s). We have meetings once in a while where he provides me with direction in my project. All in all, his help and support are excessive, and it feels great to know that I am at the forefront of science, alongside one of the leading scientists in trypanosome biology!
Until next time, later guys!
Here’s me at the lab! Keepin’ it reallllllll.

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