Thursday, August 28, 2014

Taylor Brown, Summer 2014, Blog Post 3

Hey everyone!

My summer is starting to wind down now; I’ve already presented my research to the Jacks Lab and and Dr. Jacks, but I still get two more weeks to do research!. Oh, and remember that lab outing I told you about? Yeah…that happened hahah. And it was so much fun! Still sore from running around Boston though haha. Someone calculated the distance we ran, and it was about 8.1 miles!

Duck (Slut) Dynasty…I was the Duck lol. We got lots of random pictures with people on the street, as well as lots of honks from cars driving by. And here is an example of one of the clue sheets:

And other costumes from lab members:

A duck, a playboy bunny, and a Broadie.

And here’s my poster!! (still a work in progress). Wish me luck on my poster presentation on Thursday! :D

And I believe this is my last post for the summer. Thanks for reading! It’s been a great summer, but boy am I homesick for LA! Anyway, Take care!


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